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 PARENTS OR LIFE PARTNER..Which one will you choose?

According to my religious belief, once a person tied the knot he/ she should honor his/her partner than his parents. No doubt most of all will choose our parents without hesitations as we have only one parents on this entire life yet we could have another partner once the other one gone. however i realized that each of us needs a partner - someone who could make us feel complete n wonderful each morning...our parents already have a partner and we should not think of them as they already been in the phase where we actually at. (13 years ago)

So, situation decides everything... In the orphange where I lived since my birth to my 18years, there is a home for aged people and other helpless persons.. I've seen and lived with many aged people who had been left by those children.. Similarly, I've seen many many young age girls have been relieved themselve from those tortured marriage life due to their Mother in law... Even Gents are 100% responsible for handling this situation, they are helpless.. But see, this socity is a dominated socity by gents only.. Nothing is 100% wrong with girls in this matter.. Gents fail to solve this problem while it appears in those life.. If you see this matter with insighted view, you can get many reasons for this problem.. (13 years ago)

balaa..as much as i kw, most parentz left their child as orphan due to they face sum critical situation may b..situations makes them bound to do dat..still itz der fault..i wont comment much on dis as itz a diff matter. (13 years ago)

Vickey... What do you say about that some parents leave those own child as orphans? Actually this topic is good one.. Once I created a topic Clash between Mother in law vs Sister in law.. (13 years ago)

it may be a boring topic for sum guyz bt itz an important one..ur comment cn make sumone realize so plz feel free to giv ur opinion here.. (13 years ago)

Guyz do u kw Gfrnd/Bfrnd/life partnr,they can leave us alone at any time, they dnt come wit gurantee bt parentz do..if they lose us they will surely shed tears but for few dayz and if parentz lose us, i think i dnt hv to xplain their pain..  (13 years ago)

I created dis topic bcoz i hv seen many cases where parentz r been dominated by ther own child/daughter in law aftr marriage..sum kick them out of the house and sum pray for their death @ old age.itz unbelivable bt truth.Hw cn we do dis to our parentz?itz really disapointing..so i creatd dis topic to make aware of the truth.  (13 years ago)

vic43key.. First disclose your thought about this topic.. (13 years ago)

parents of curze. . . (13 years ago)

parents (13 years ago)

Dnt hv enough time so wake up nd realiz dat (13 years ago)

Dos hu hv choosen der partnr i thnk they dnt hv any idea wat ther parentz r doing for them.. (13 years ago)

i'll choose my prtner if i hv marriage.. (13 years ago)

i ll choose my partner my parents were not stil alive. (13 years ago)

the truth is u all would leave ur parents.. (13 years ago)

As for me,it all depends on tha conditions.if im talking on christian/biblical side of view,spouse comes first,as 'one will leave his parent and onether her parent and together make a unit',so ua parents are units of their own and so do u.As for secular (sic!) world parents of course comes above every thing and in that category included are bachelors and spinsters.he he. (13 years ago)

Yes i agree wid tulika nd knights's thing..!!  (13 years ago)

Hmm complicated, acordng 2 me both got half chanc.. (13 years ago)

Parents yaar.... (13 years ago)

Its a vry complicated ques, i thnk it depnds on the situation (13 years ago)

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