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 Come on guys and gals lets share your jokes

2 cocks in a farm have a day off. 1st cock s very exited :We go to the next farm to chat with the other cocks. After long time thinking the 2nd cock say :We go to the supermarket. 1st cock:What for ? 2nd cock: To watch the naked hens. (13 years ago)

What did Tarazan think of when he saw a dead tiger ? Wow a new underware !! (13 years ago)

What did Tarazan think of when he saw a dead tiger ? wow a new underware ! (13 years ago)

.. (13 years ago)

@Meagainstmyselfjay, oh yeah...well you are a better joke writer! Keep it up man! (13 years ago)

hehe hi, i am a sexy girl. Who want become my boyfriend? Visit www.larvaputih.co.cc (13 years ago)

@nthathuy and @raj ya.... cool jokes! (13 years ago)

Lady teacher: make a sentence using word "hand" Boy: my PENIS in ur hand. Teacher slaps the boy Boy: sory teacher, pen k bad space dena bhul gaya (13 years ago)

Lady teacher: make a sentence using word "hand" Boy: my PENIS in ur hand. Teacher slaps the boy Boy: sory teacher, pen k bad space dena bhul gaya (13 years ago)

Lady teacher: make a sentence using word "hand" Boy: my PENIS in ur hand. Teacher slaps the boy Boy: sory teacher, pen k bad space dena bhul gaya (13 years ago)

1 boy saved a beatiful girl wants to jum out the bridge to kill herself. He kisses her a perfect kiss to make her calm down and then asks her : Why do u want to kill ur self??? Beautiful girl anwers:My dad scrol me coz im wearing like a girl. After that the boy jump out the bridge to kill himself.  (13 years ago)

@phoenixbaalaa ok nice! And you @Meagainstmyselfjay, Lol.......you are really writing some nice and nice joke man,No word for this just A.W.E.S.O.M.E...... Hey dude i like all of your jokes! Keep it up man! Iam Really excited!  (13 years ago)

Ha.. Ha.. Nice MAMS.. Prof: a person who cann't explain a matter easily to others, he is a stupid.. Students: sorry sir.. We couldn't understand what you said.. Ha.. Ha.. (13 years ago)

@Anosyke ok man you are writing some funny jokes, and i agree with you friend 'laughing is the best medicine to our health' (13 years ago)

Hahahaha, Lauhging is the best medison ,so laugh ,loudly ,more loudly,arey baba loudly loudly bola na,congrats u have won free entry to,mental hospital (13 years ago)

@Anoyske, Lol... what a joke man! (13 years ago)

i hv undrstood (13 years ago)

Hi,guys some one is hapy and some one is sad.that's my life history. (13 years ago)

ku kata ka ka ku ku ke ki ki ka ga ga gi gu kaka ki ki ki ka...Congratulations! U have successfully learnt the monkey’s language. Come to Collect ur banana. Lol. (13 years ago)

@kenshee its kinda fun for white people and it makes feel bad for black people. Anyway its funny for me! (13 years ago)

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