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 Y alL tErROrRiSt aRe mUsLiMs ?????????????

@VALENTINO i know ur engLish is high infideLity....n my engLish Like junior cLass engLish but even Like that u stiLL can't ans my smpLe que "R U MUSLIM ??" y its too smpLe or ur engLish too high fideLity so u can't ans that ??-when u said *check my posts for ur ans.as for a Loser, im a fighter who don't tire, ask around or better stiLL try me* u know wat its not d'ans from my que *R U MUSLIM ??* i thought its hard to u to understood my smpLe words bcoz ur engLish too high fideLity. as fighter who don't tire u can't ans my que bcoz wat ? u fighter who fighting Like Loser coz u r coward. (13 years ago)

*high fideLity (13 years ago)

And what about killing children in palastine . . What about killing old men in iraq . . . What about killing women in afghanstan . . . What about that ? What about the nazi in german . . What about black ppl in usa ? All of that r terrorists but in diffirent types . . Not islam only have bad ppl . . Christian has bad ppl . . Hendus has bad ppl . . .  (13 years ago)

Bismillah ar rahmani rahim.. The one who belives in QURAN , the one who chooses to live or tries to live his life according to the Profet.MOHHAMAD(peace be upon him ) is called a muslim. A person can never be called as a muslim untill unless he is a GOOD PERSON.SO PEOPLE WHO ARE TERRORIST OR people Who ARE DOING ALL BAd Things i dont think they are muslims.SO WHO EVER IS WRITING BAD ABOUT ISLAM PLEASE TELL THEM THERE THINGS.DO not GIVE THEM BAD WORDS. ISLAM SAYS RESPECT EVERYONE.EVEN YOUR ENEMY. Assalam walekum. (13 years ago)

" None muslims is a terrorist dey are just protecting & deffendind deir religion " - some day i come to yr home n kill yr family without any mean by anouncing that i m just saving my religion tell me hows u feel ? Bt i wont do that cuz i m nt muslim  (13 years ago)

" None muslims is a terrorist dey are just protecting & deffendind deir religion " - some day i come to yr home n kill yr family without any mean by anouncing that i m just saving my religion tell me hows u feel ? Bt i wont do that cuz i m nt muslim  (13 years ago)


Hey MAMS.. I'm not a hindu or muslim or christian... I'll give my respect to all.. I never see them as hindu or muslim or christian... Using bad words against any religion people comes under the criminal activity according to our I.P.C.. In hinduism your god is shiv, ganesh, vishnu, Brhamma.. They are realised that they are in divine statues.. I like your religion too.. You may noticed that, once I've said here that is, there is a soft corner in many and many muslims about terrorists.. I also made my fight with some islamic friends.. Some of muslims passion about their religion is to bad.. And such kind of persons are also in Hindu, christianity.. But, just think MAMS.. Just imagine.. Many terrorists are hindu.. And I say all hindus are terrorists.. Will you accept this above words?  (13 years ago)

To be frank with you, I say this... When I see some islamic persons , I'll feel little uneasy with my heart because they are physically( I mean growed hairs on face) diff from others... I cann't identify a person whether he is hindu or christian but it is easy to identify an islamic person.. I also know their thought about god.. They say, only Allah is god.. But, in hinduism, there are many communities like followers of Shiv and followers of Vishnu.. Many Hindus accept other's god.. But, very very few muslims only accept others god.. However it is, My approach in this matter little diff from you.. If I see a terrorist, I'll try to kill him at any cost.. In this way, if any muslim oppose my act, first I'll kill that muslim.. Ok..? I've taken an other topic with GIVE ME THE ASSURANCE..... Wait and See how many pure muslims and how many terrorists are in os.. Ha.. Ha..  (13 years ago)

To be frank with you, I say this... When I see some islamic persons , I'll feel little uneasy with my heart because they are physically( I mean growed hairs on face) diff from others... I cann't identify a person whether he is hindu or christian but it is easy to identify an islamic person.. I also know their thought about god.. They say, only Allah is god.. But, in hinduism, there are many communities like followers of Shiv and followers of Vishnu.. Many Hindus accept other's god.. But, very very few muslims only accept others god.. However it is, My approach in this matter little diff from you.. If I see a terrorist, I'll try to kill him at any cost.. In this way, if any muslim oppose my act, first I'll kill that muslim.. Ok..? I've taken an other topic with GIVE ME THE ASSURANCE..... Wait and See how many pure muslims and how many terrorists are in os.. Ha.. Ha..  (13 years ago)

@jay, i respect u that u have so faith in bhagwaan.. Now tell me jay, hamara dharm kya kehta hai? 'Sabhi bhagwaan ek hai'. Ya kuch aur. Tell me ok. (13 years ago)

@ungok,i ans you once and i ans you twice on whether im a muslim.I CAN NEVER BE.you follow the doctrines of a man who was not a good role model and a pervert.Koran 52:24,56:17,76:19 he advocates homosexuality,so after commiting plunder,loot,rape and murder the followers of islam are 'rewarded' by 'untouched boys who are like fresh pearls'.@ungok wod you fancy the idea of sleeping wth your father-in-law and him taking over as your husband?read sura 33:37.your great teacher was a child molester he married 6yr old Ayesha.now my dear ungok would you like me to follow such a teacher? (13 years ago)

koran 5:51 say 'believers take neither jews nor christians for your friends'.My dear musllims who are your friends? (13 years ago)

koran 9:29 'fight those who believe not in Allah'.Terrorism is a calling to muslims. (13 years ago)

i proud to be a muslim. it is true the chritions are working behaind muslim trrst. Just 4 dolers  (13 years ago)

i proud to be a muslim. it is true the chritions are working behaind muslim trrst. Just 4 dolers  (13 years ago)

@VALENTINO u know y that i said u coward ?? this is d'next reasons u onLy can point out bad thing from koran, u didn't had bravery to point out d'good one thing. bcoz u read koran not aL-qur'an, u know wat ?? in my Lang koran is newspaper. (13 years ago)

@ungok,what good is there in your holy shit?im glad you too know,after all it is co-authored by satan. (13 years ago)

muslims r terrosist . Yes evry terrosits are muslim but every muslims are not terrorist. (13 years ago)

@VALENTINO hoy stop ur crap. u dont know what u talkin bout. u have no idea how stupid u r. not even one thing u said is true. u gotta read al-quran carefully!! (13 years ago)

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