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 S.Korea Nation mour for the death of Cheonan Navy

Im so sory for ur uncle...Mr.Oh will be sure in HEAVEN and same to everybody..A men (14 years ago)

The Dictactorshp of N.Korea are must be blame to George.W.Bush becoz he is the 1 that make bad word to N.Korea. (14 years ago)

The Korean War (1950-1953 i think) is the bringer of End of the Day of Korean Unification.. By that KIM IL SUNG is the foundation of N.Korea and past to KIM JUNG IL (kim il sung son)..  (14 years ago)

These is all blame to N.Korea. they bomb Cheonan by TNT missile on the sea. And the N.Korea behave must be blame to U.State too. U.S is the behind of the Dictactor of KIM JUNG IL.. (14 years ago)

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