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Despite 64 years of independence, caste-discrimination, untouchability and manualscavenging exist, thrive and are a shameful blot onour country's tale of progress.Spread awareness and stand againstUntouchability! (11 years ago)

You are right Bonda..But, Untouchablity is almost vanished in South especially in Tamilnadu..First of all, Indian government must stop the diverting act on School education, Job recruitments.. (11 years ago)

I think everyone wanna join to this  (11 years ago)

I wanna said to spread awareness all over India.  (11 years ago)

m agree with u prshant  (11 years ago)

What The Meaning of Thanks  (11 years ago)

Thanx means to express appreciation or gratitude to someone for a favor .  (11 years ago)

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