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Oops..  (11 years ago)

Uupss! YourFirstFriend Manish aisha why the ips were same! I still don't get too! (11 years ago)

Yeah guess wht? a thing of nude pic it puts man in a bad mood nor thought i dislike it be friend to each other, if u love some body go for him or her not seting traps pls lets be cheerful friends. (11 years ago)

hey i try to download theme but i couldn't find my phone model.am using sony ericsson j10i2/k970.pls rectify it for me cos am so curious (11 years ago)

pls send my phone model.sony ericsson j10i2  (11 years ago)

Goto mobile9.com and u will get suitable themes according to ur model..hence,i think ur model doesn't support much themes  (11 years ago)

Gift plz don't mind stop involving ur hands in deleting innocent chatters id's...bt if u do so why dont u do on bothsides beside protecting ur friends who do abuse to decent chatters.... Now i am afraid if u try to delete mine  (11 years ago)

Be better stop a drama..here.. (11 years ago)

pls and pls help me add my phone model.sony ericsson j10i2.Icant be able to download theme help me. (11 years ago)

Drama  (11 years ago)

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