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 New Updates for wallpaper creator tools.

i have think some new option for create wallpaper and i think that option&way will easy to upload lots of wallpaper at a time and no need to click many times on "Create > make a wallpaper " optionscheck this pic > http://i47.tinypic.com/34fcu8x.png here after all step user will got save page also in wallpaper creator toll. check this pic >http://i50.tinypic.com/2iw0o7t.png here user can see his/her wallpaper is saved or not. if there will show "wallpaper saved" notification then that users will get new tab of that uploaded wallpaper detail. and if he/she want create more wallpaper then he/she can click on "crate more wallpaper" option. then he/she will back to first step and he/she can create new wallpaper. in this way people can save time and they dont have need to click many times on >create>make a wallpaper  (12 years ago)

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