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 I wanna know. . .

My mthr tong is pashto nd i know urdu, punjabi,saraiki nd a bit english  (12 years ago)

my mther tongue indonesian Lang... for other Lang engLish  (12 years ago)

My mother tounge is pahadi. . I knw little bit eng, punjabi,italian,korean, sanskrit  (12 years ago)

can I ask....why some indians ppL can't speak hindi but they can speak engLish weLL if I not wrong hindi is nationaL Lang...isn't it ? (12 years ago)

Silence is the Best and easiest Language to learn..  (12 years ago)

yez Phoenix is ta east lang.. Me got answrz in dat lang for ma last two qtn from yu... Am just kidng okay.. I can read yua silence.. Yu are right, I shud nt do dat... (12 years ago)

yez Phoenix is ta east lang.. Me got answrz in dat lang for ma last two qtn from yu... Am just kidng okay.. I can read yua silence.. Yu are right, I shud nt do dat... (12 years ago)

@swallow tumi maru bhalu bashi what it means?i think it mean u r too good.am i ryte swallow? (12 years ago)

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