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 Installation error

Hi OwnSkin team and frnds,This OwnSkin theames not installing in my NokiaE63. Please meke to install theames in my mobile. (12 years ago)

What error message are you getting ? (12 years ago)

Do something to install theames in my mobile. (12 years ago)

already i have recived a msg that my account is trusted account. I have enterd all my details though theames are not installed. (12 years ago)

theames are dowloading but installation not done. It shows that certificate error, contact the application supplier.Now what i have to do for installing theames in my mobile. (12 years ago)

Sign certificate to your mobile..go thru » Menu »Tool» App.Mgr » Option »Setting - Software installation : ALL , Online certificate check : OFF .. Better before install set back your date time EG.:: 1/1/2006 then switch off & on your mobile.. Try it 1st..Hope it helps..  (12 years ago)

Then Don't forget set your date! Back to normal after done installed..good luck! (12 years ago)

ThanQ very much Gift. Now i able to installing my own theams. Nice to talk with u. (12 years ago)

Glad to know.. everything is fine...your welcome sivasatish. (12 years ago)

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