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 silly and stupid girls

no,we're not doing this (12 years ago)

so...well. Those girl will be naughty, and never married with a good guy.  (12 years ago)

Alien said why girls wear clothes that shows more and hide less and not bare-naked! Wearing such clothing is a freedom of expression so we should not judge ppl the way they dressed because we do not know them personally.. Clothes is not a basis of being a good or a bad person.. Nowadays, ppl are more open with this kind of trend because this is "Art"... this is "Fashion". Guys since you are aware that we are now in modern days, you should widen your thought process as well.. Stop prejudicing.. If you wanna come back to ancient times then think again bcoz even Cleopatra didn't wear a blanket during her time..  (12 years ago)

Fuck more (12 years ago)

 (11 years ago)

intrstng topic (11 years ago)

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