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 who are the perfect person..

i dont know.. (12 years ago)

amer khan me be (12 years ago)

not at all..he have also somany limitations.. (12 years ago)

malayal¡Z lol...!! (12 years ago)

fuck u all! Nobody is perfect.not anyone,only God repeat after me u fools,only God the creator of the whole earth,one who gave me ma sweeth breath,mwaah,My God is only one Perfect.get that in ua thick skulls to start such topics. (12 years ago)

Valentino52 ur mom is so hot she is perfect for us baby,,,,her pussy is so nice will u lend her to my room tonight i want to so her my big deek ,,,,n try to enter my deek on to her pussy,,,,,,,ok if mom is busy den send ur sister she is also perfect baby,,,,,i fuck her frm backside wow ,,,,so hot iteam available for ur dad he also enjoy both ur sis n mom,,,wow (12 years ago)

what happen here ? Like as there is trouble maker ? Let me be peace this room (12 years ago)

^you peacemaker...!! (12 years ago)

i wan2 fre. 2 u (12 years ago)

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