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 What is Your Motto?

Life is short so enjoy each moment of it whatever happens wd u keep a smily so nxt time even God will think that he is besharam so no need to waste time on him and he will leave u alone happy in ur things (10 years ago)

Kernett..  (10 years ago)

Life is full of chances, take it lightly.  (10 years ago)

Life is all abut risks..so take dem hv no regrets. Learn 4rm ur mistakes nd keep moving.  (10 years ago)

Always ends the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow's a fresh opportunity to make it better. (10 years ago)

Jesus is my massage (10 years ago)

Repent 4rm ur sin and belive God so shall u live. (10 years ago)

God of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Blive ye in them and be saved. (10 years ago)

i didn't i was lost.. bye all myfriends. Forgive me.. see ya everything is about timing.. Yeah, timing is everything  (10 years ago)

you cant take it with you : except good deeds  (10 years ago)

b.s.u.r.s.ยก.c.u.b.4.. (10 years ago)

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