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 what do you think is the BEST SOLUTION TO A PROBLEM?

 (10 years ago)

Right! (11 years ago)

problem is problem there is solution for it but you have to think about it then you can solve it  (11 years ago)

Wow! Nice advises, that would stay on me for eaon. optimism is very much needed in any instances. As you walk and enconter obstacles/hindrancesg/ problems, you can also Pray. Also make one's self not sink under preasure, rather be an observant, and not nervous or angry. >>>"keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong! Let all that you do be done with love .." (1 Cor. 16:13) (11 years ago)

Patience is the solution... (11 years ago)

for a best solution u must need to know bout your problem. Like first you have to know which type of problem u have ? Then why this problem come ? When and where this problem was started ? .. Then u will able to fine a best solution .. @Btw its depend on your problem... Which type of problen u have ?  (11 years ago)

We ought to have problems in life that might become greater if it wasn't cured. What do you think is the best solution to overcome it? [this topic is for the sake of everyone]-thank you.  (11 years ago)

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