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 Cute TeXt msgs corner..

Why Was Snow White Given A Poisoned Apple? - To Show Us That Not Everyone Is Gonna Be Kind & Not Everyone Is Really Who They Say They Are...Why Did Cinderella Run Away At Midnight? - To Remind Us That Everything Does Have Its Limitations, Even Dreams..Why Did Ariel Exchange Her Fins For Feet? - To Show Us That People Are Willing To Give Up Anything To Be With WhoThey Love & To Just Be Happy..Why Did Aurora Sleep For 100 Years? - To Tell Us That You Might Have To Wait For Quite Some Time For Your True Love To Come Along Sometimes Very Long, But Its Worth It.. Why Did Princess Jasmine Fall For Aladdin? - To Let Us Know That What The Heart Wants, It Wants It No Matter What.Why Was Belle In Love With A Beast? - To Remind Us That You Cant Really Help Whats On The Outside, But If The Inside Is Beautiful, Then Nothing Will Stand In The Way Of Your Love... ♥ ♥ ♥ (12 years ago)

.. (12 years ago)

.. (12 years ago)

friendship (12 years ago)

how r u frndz i love my frindz ummmmmmna (12 years ago)

Frnd 80% messgmes old , if gud (12 years ago)

Teacher askd student whatz d fullform of maths and d student replid : Mentally Affected Teachers Harassing Students  (12 years ago)

nice (12 years ago)

Sometimes people staying alone are very Lucky.. Because They have nobody to Loose.... (12 years ago)

A Person who gets Angry easily by other's Volcanic words, He will become a Slave easily to those Praising words.. -PhoeniXBala (12 years ago)

Small Thought but huge meaning think after you read...§§§when someone Trusts You blindly...Nets prove that they are Blind.. (12 years ago)

love is *DEBIT CARD* life is a *CREDIT CARD* wife is *VISA CARD* girl frnd is a *ATM* but frnd is a *GOLD CARD* keep it safe,gdnt (12 years ago)

love is *DEBIT CARD* life is a *CREDIT CARD* wife is *VISA CARD* girl frnd is a *ATM* but frnd is a *GOLD CARD* keep it safe,gdnt (12 years ago)

1 tanha raat main aapki yaad aai, yaad bhulane k liye humne 1maachis jalai uff woh maachis kya qaymat lai dhue ne bhi aapki tasvir banai.......,.. (12 years ago)

hi (12 years ago)

Once wind asked me 'whom U miss most' and I told UR Name. So each time U feel the breeze, just remember its Me saying "Hai Dear.....Iam MISSING U" (12 years ago)

One kid asked a pregnant lady.Kid-"ye pet me kya hai?"lady-"is me mera nanha sa,masoom sa,achha sa,cute sa,pyara sa baby hai."Cute reply given by kid.Kid-"itna hi pyara tha to khaya kyon." (12 years ago)

Teacher to a student: what is the full form of class? student :C-Come L-Late A-And S-Start S-Sleeping (12 years ago)

Oh..! Sorry.. (12 years ago)

My 2nd Definition of Life : It Starts as a Dot by 'a drop' on 'a pot' (birth).. The Dot grows as a line(life) and the line ends with a dot(death).. Some of the Lines are Cute and Straight.. Some of the Lines are Clumpsy.. Howeveritis, The Line Cann't be erased and edited...  (12 years ago)

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