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 how do you turn a guy down without hurting his pride???

guy from work ask me out but so not my type  (14 years ago)

say u already have a bf(; (14 years ago)

Tell him the truth u not interested u dont see him in that way...lol naw that might not work for you but it would for me im somewhat a little too honest most people cant handle that (14 years ago)

actually i work with him and wud hav 2 see him all the tyme and he knows i dont hav a bf and i cant say i dont date people i work with cuz um yes i have but ima jus tell him i dont wana ruin our friendship cuz i dont hes really extra nyce im being honest and getting my point across  (14 years ago)

HONESTY really is the best policy (14 years ago)

just tell him like it is..... stright foward! (14 years ago)

yup just tellvhim the truth thats the best way (14 years ago)

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