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We know very well that every person has a weakness in a matter.. If it is so, in which matter are you weak..?  (13 years ago)

My weakness is I won't recover from my angry on others due to their blended mistake.. And I never ever excuse them for the mistake is done on me for 2nd time... According to me, if I apologize on others for my mistake, I never do the same mistake again on them..  (13 years ago)

i cant help other. I am totally vain. Similarly i never accept any help (depend on my mind situation) (13 years ago)

I too want to help others lekin kabhi karta nai..... Eak bar bus mein seat de to 120km khara gaya...he he he.... I really want to help. (13 years ago)

LOVE !!!!! (13 years ago)

My weird behavior. I dnt knw how 2 make others happy..  (13 years ago)

(13 years ago)

wapstar, u should plug in ear and listen music :-) (13 years ago)

Girl  (13 years ago)

My weakness.. Not listen to other.. If i want to do something than i did it.. I don,t listen to another..and don,t think about right or wrong.. (13 years ago)

my weakness..i cant hate somebody that hurt me n bully me.. (13 years ago)

@dizzy, is it charectrstic or weakness? Hmm.. I think its a charecterstic. (13 years ago)

@nafaa.. Same q. I.e it is a charecterstic (13 years ago)

may b weak charactrstic... (13 years ago)

Mine is my nature to belive every body i have lost a lot in my life but ca'nt help it.and 2ndly my mom i ca'nt tolorate any thing agaistn her. (13 years ago)

my weakness is that i always belive other they may b stranger but the cheat me sometime . N 2ndly my lover is also one of my weakness point (13 years ago)

iam predicting my weakness is not good confidence (13 years ago)

nafaa, myself and you are in 180 degree opposite in this matter.. (13 years ago)

ah..nomor handphone..how r u? (13 years ago)

One weakness is that mujhe jaldi gussa nai. Aata there are some sit. When u should get angry but i dont... (13 years ago)

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