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 h0w will y0u say that i'm a regular f0rum member..?

h0w will y0u say that i'm a regular f0rum member..? d0es it take m0nths? or by the number of t0pics created? or by number of replies to the t0pic? by the number of friends?  (12 years ago)

if u daily come in mforum n do comment at least in 1 topic. (12 years ago)

then, wh0 will declare of the regulati0n of the beginners? (12 years ago)

Hello kaeious.. Regular member means, who knows the regulations of forums especially with os.. And also, who knows about other skinners.. Who welcomes a new skinner to forum.. Who cries when a skinner says bye to forum page.. Okay..? (12 years ago)

thanks for the info.. 1 m0re thing, h0w many members do we have? I've seen only few.. I don't kn0w if they d0esn't like me or what.. I'm trying to c0operate but only few c0nsidered me.. Felt sad that they ign0re me.. But what m0re sh0uld i do? (12 years ago)

Don't feel happy when they accept you.. Then you won't feel sad when they refuse you.. Friendship in websites means not collecting and adding number of persons in your list.. Just be in touch with os.. You'll get a lot of good guys.. (12 years ago)

Agree with anna (12 years ago)

thanks for the info.. 1 m0re thing, h0w many members do we have? I've seen only few.. I don't kn0w if they d0esn't like me or what.. I'm trying to c0operate but only few c0nsidered me.. Felt sad that they ign0re me.. But what m0re sh0uld i do? (12 years ago)

i m s0rry but when y0u kn0w that s0meone is listening to y0u or sympathizing to y0u its very heart warming.. But when they neglect me.. D0 y0u kn0w h0w d0es it feel? Im n0t c0unting friends but asking myself.. Is there s0mebody that will cry when i leave this f0rum? N0ne right..? H0w will i get in t0uch to them when they d0nt care ab0ut my existence?  (12 years ago)

.. (12 years ago)

Wc kraeious. U r new to os . It will take smtime to accept u. Here All d members r sweet,loving nd caring. Once they ll accept u , u ll never feel alone. So keep patience.  (12 years ago)

:-) nice (12 years ago)

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