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 Do u agree that our real god is ALLAH and the only ONE?

fgjk (13 years ago)

vhkkk (13 years ago)

no i m nt agree allah is nt god only hindu is true religion & our bhagwan is the most high the god. I also think christian is also true religion came after satyug (13 years ago)

i agree wid u vikraal allah is not god only hinduism is true else are fake (13 years ago)

The first nd lost god is ALLAH qayamt is coming soon so pray every day bro & sis (13 years ago)

muslim rumour qayamat never come it is just fake (13 years ago)

muslim rumour qayamat never come it is just fake (13 years ago)

no allah not god (13 years ago)

@MAMS,Muslims likes sex no wonder mohamed promised them a brothel in heaven.muslim men are allowed upto 4 sluts and if they give rise to 5 terrorists each thats makes 20 terrorists per household,i think that explains their increasing population. (13 years ago)

@valentino n me against myself... you people just dont have sense to think that u make ur sooo called bhagwan with ur own hands n then set it infront of u n start poja or whatever.... that thing which cant go here n there how could it helps u... (13 years ago)

it is islam who says 'dont mess with anybodys religion n ask them wrong, just politely tell them truth of ALMIGHTY ALLAH..... (13 years ago)

n we r not terrorist it is u non-muslims who make us to do that bcz u people im the hide of ur foxness do such bloody fucking things which heart our religious points n make us to do so... (13 years ago)

@sinox ALLAH says dont argue with nuts bcz they cant undrstand anything... n ALLAH says if u argue with such sensless people u will just disturb urself... (13 years ago)

i read everything soil lover (13 years ago)

if ur bhagwan gives u anything then why u people see up in the sky n ask for help. . . . there is no one except ALLAH..  (13 years ago)

Ha... Ha... The God has no shape.. Okay.. If it is so, he should not be coined with any name... Then, Then, Then, why do you call him/it by the name of Allah..? Hereafter, just call him/it by God only.. Not by Allah... Okay..?  (13 years ago)

Ha... Ha... The God has no shape.. Okay.. If it is so, he should not be coined with any name... Then, Then, Then, why do you call him/it by the name of Allah..? Hereafter, just call him/it by God only.. Not by Allah... Okay..?  (13 years ago)

All the humanity beleives on diff GODs but the true one is ALLAH (subhanawatala)  (13 years ago)

so simple dear... we muslims dont use the word God bcz there are lots of Gods in the world by meaning. . . we use ALLAH which means 'no one else or no one like' so ALLAH is the only one  (13 years ago)

Yeah.. I knew it.. While Horses are speared everywhere in the world and they are in diff colours and size, whereas Donkeys are in same colour and shape even they are spreaded everywhere.. (13 years ago)

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