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 Do u agree that our real god is ALLAH and the only ONE?

no point to argue with the crazy person like you... (13 years ago)

Nice question:-) (13 years ago)

Just tell me the name of that person who wrote this piece of shit (13 years ago)

Allah is the one who teaches his/her followers how to become terrorist. By the name of jehad they kill peoples who r innocent.  (13 years ago)

Yes jay All the world know about muslims that their religion is the one which teaches them to kill peoples without their fault.And muslims feels proud doing this. No other god or religion tells that type of things to followers. all the religions teach to live in peaceful way, dont harm others. And many more such things except muslims (13 years ago)

look clearly at ur nick mr jay.. (13 years ago)

Hi.. MAMS.. Welcome.. (13 years ago)

Hay..frnz..! Neva mine vit tis topic.. As wich evry1 has givn da right to worship, religon etc.. Accordng to da law of fundmentl rights... So b cul maan... Juz trust uaslf ya.. N frnz it vil b intrstng if v strt ta topic abt LOVE GIFT OR CRUSE .. So letz run 4 tat........~ (13 years ago)

Hay..frnz..! Neva mine vit tis topic.. As wich evry1 has givn da right to worship, religon etc.. Accordng to da law of fundmentl rights... So b cul maan... Juz trust uaslf ya.. N frnz it vil b intrstng if v strt ta topic abt LOVE GIFT OR CRUSE .. So letz run 4 tat........~ (13 years ago)

Merithung.. It is free for making a new topic in os.. (13 years ago)

Hay..frnz..! Neva mine vit tis topic.. As wich evry1 has givn da right to worship, religon etc.. Accordng to da law of fundmentl rights... So b cul maan... Juz trust uaslf ya.. N frnz it vil b intrstng if v strt ta topic abt LOVE GIFT OR CRUSE .. So letz run 4 tat........~ (13 years ago)

Hay..frnz..! Neva mine vit tis topic.. As wich evry1 has givn da right to worship, religon etc.. Accordng to da law of fundmentl rights... So b cul maan... Juz trust uaslf ya.. N frnz it vil b intrstng if v strt ta topic abt LOVE GIFT OR CRUSE .. So letz run 4 tat........~ (13 years ago)

Phoneix.... M so sry as m new in ownskin i dn't kn0 anytng here ya... So sry as i'm helpless to u....... bt Anywys y dn't u try..? (13 years ago)

And I disagree. I am a Christian and nobody or nothing that can't change. (13 years ago)

And I disagree. I am a Christian and nobody or nothing that can't change. (13 years ago)

Yeah ! I Agree (13 years ago)

if i find u ,i will kill u.stupid,nonsense fellow.Allah is not a real god..Indian's god is always hindu.muslims not belong 2 india.. (13 years ago)

if i find u ,i will kill u.stupid,nonsense fellow.Allah is not a real god..Indian's god is always hindu.muslims not belong 2 india.. (13 years ago)

stop it lah..no need to keep on poundering at this topic,every body has their own opinion n as we know in this world not just have 1 religion,even tough as a muslim i believe that Allah is the only God but i wont deny that there is other mind wont agree with me so..just give respect to each other as our religion ask us to spread a peace in this world n do a good deed..so pls just stop... (13 years ago)

hey..its not my mistake..if u r a real indian,u never ask the question like muslim,hindu...why u mention the religion?  (13 years ago)

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