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 Do u agree that our real god is ALLAH and the only ONE?

to alien u say at the first of us doesnt respect ur God,did i comment at ur statement when u first comment abt this forum?no right??i just coment that im 100% agree that no God except Allah n u start to laugh at my comment..is my comment consider not respect ur God?? N then u say that none of us respect ur God,what this?? (13 years ago)

Nafaa and Sinox, I'm waiting for your direct ans.. (13 years ago)

Nafaa and Sinox, I'm waiting for your direct ans.. (13 years ago)

Nafaa and Sinox, I'm waiting for your direct ans.. (13 years ago)

to phoniex if im not born in islamic family at least i wont laugh to people like u all do but in fact im born in muslim family and im very happy to born as muslim..im become muslim also not bcs my family r muslim so i just follow them..no..i gone through fight with my own heart abt wich God i should believe n its not easy for me to just choose wich religion i should take n follow..  (13 years ago)

Ha.. Ha.. Now also Your ans is so silly.. Why are you struggling to ans..? (13 years ago)

Nafaa and sinox.. Before proceeding this topic, just make a glance on other two topics which was made by me.. @ BIG BANG and Dear Hindu/muslim Brothers and Sisters.. (13 years ago)

Nafaa... Is this good attitude @ blaming other's believings? Hindus are not believing their god is not in the holy idols.. They've given the shape to their god similar to human structure.. They are decorating since they want keep clean the place of god ( I mean that They show their god via the holy idols).. Okay...? Why do you keep clean your Mosque and decorate during your festivals like Ramzan...?  (13 years ago)

Nafaa... Is this good attitude @ blaming other's believings? Hindus are not believing their god is not in the holy idols.. They've given the shape to their god similar to human structure.. They are decorating since they want keep clean the place of god ( I mean that They show their god via the holy idols).. Okay...? Why do you keep clean your Mosque and decorate during your festivals like Ramzan...?  (13 years ago)

Nafaa... Is this good attitude @ blaming other's believings? Hindus are not believing their god is not in the holy idols.. They've given the shape to their god similar to human structure.. They are decorating since they want keep clean the place of god ( I mean that They show their god via the holy idols).. Okay...? Why do you keep clean your Mosque and decorate during your festivals like Ramzan...?  (13 years ago)

allah is the only one. (13 years ago)

for me Allah is the only God...if u muslim u must believe it (13 years ago)

Allah god ishwar bhagwan name are same and in reality we call them from many name..  (13 years ago)

to jhiez..yup..there is no discrimination here..we r all friend.. (13 years ago)

Nothing can say about God . Muslim peoples have only one God Allah . Allah is the creator of the whole world. (13 years ago)

abdul..u absolutly right.. (13 years ago)

how dare u say that..if u r here right now in front of me i will shut ur big mouth.. (13 years ago)

what the hell..look deep in side ur heart and ask who's the one that create u??r u creating ur self n just drop down from heaven to this earth??what kind of human r u,calling ur self god..na'u dzubillah min dzalik..u was nothing in front of God..nothing just like a thin ash... (13 years ago)

how pitiful u r.. (13 years ago)

Hi all:-D (13 years ago)

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