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 Complicated life

Why somtimes our life r so complicated and somtimes it became easy 2 deal with??? (14 years ago)

Actually not too complicated i thnk.that's depend on u to handle ur life.just make anything easier and think 4 d best,that can change ur life totaly dfrent from usual (14 years ago)

Hey u r the girl who have love problen do u?..let me ask?..u love problem,how u feel?..is it complicated or easy 2 deal with? (14 years ago)

Just say easy...i know it is 2 easy 4 u (14 years ago)

Honestly it's so complicated,but..i try to make it easy..like..i will do sumthin' for make him feel so sorry hv made me like this... I will not b weak facing off that unpredictable boy. (14 years ago)

Yes...i win this time..hehe (14 years ago)

Huft!congratz (14 years ago)

Wait. But i try..to make it easy.. (14 years ago)

Well yeah...u try but did it work??...no right (14 years ago)

Have not did it.. The process need a lot of times. (14 years ago)

the process is also complicated right... (14 years ago)

Actually i enjoy it.realy..imagine his poor face..that's nice.. Hehe.. Sounds cruel,but i'm not like that actly.. (14 years ago)

WoW...u like it went he suffer...looks like u start 2 hate him dont u (14 years ago)

I starting don't cre bout him.. If i say i hate him..i don't know bout that.. U know,dude,dis evening i made theme with his pics..that's sound i still wish him..am i? Owh..it's mean complicated.haha.. (14 years ago)

Hey ath3n, h0w l0ng u've been making m0bile themes? And for wat brand n unit of f0wn? I, used to make theme at ownskin, but since i started to learn on h0w to make and edit themes here on my Nokia3110c, i've n0 longer making themes on o.s. (14 years ago)

But if a spexal fren of mine wants to hav his/her very own m0bile theme, specialy if their cp is n0t an n0kia s40, i'll make use of ownskin. But the one thing i h8 of o.s themes is that the xml coding of services icon or d web icon has an error. (14 years ago)

Ahahah. Im out of d topic... Im just, make used of ownskin theme, i used to b adicted 2it. Hey since u hav been my frens hir at o.s if u hav any questi0ns about making themes (n0kia s40) just pm me. (14 years ago)

Hmm,billy.i just trying to make gud themes for my sony G502.and making themes for my fren mobile phones with oth series.but now..i have no idea to make theme again.hehe (14 years ago)

1 clean shot 2 the head and he is a deadmen (14 years ago)

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