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 H0w do u feel when sum1 u l0ve alwayz ign0ring u n texting wif other gurl. .? )'=

i really l0ve him. .We cn`t b 2gether b`c0z we live in seperate c0untry. .After i t0ld him h0w much i l0ve him,,he started ign0ring me!Wht did i do wr0ng. .!? )'= )'= )'= (14 years ago)

U told him d truth. But now he thinks u vl bcom a burdn 4 him (14 years ago)

Poor u...well maybe he dont ready yet (14 years ago)

all i cn do is cry as l0ng s i wnt. .)'= (14 years ago)

What?..thats why u have black spot at ur eye (14 years ago)

Just kidding (14 years ago)

U want to knw why?It coz maybe he have gf or maybe how he can do kiss wit u?Siber kiss?Boy always kissing as a love symbols..I dunt knw ur country.. (14 years ago)

What r u talking about?...siber kiss?...sounds funny (14 years ago)

Kiss is a bond of love. But 4 d love across d countries.......... (14 years ago)

Kiss is a bond of love. But 4 d love across d countries.......... (14 years ago)

he`s single n i really l0ve him so much. .I really cn`t l0ve other b0yz xcept him. . (14 years ago)

Haa see he's single and i was right...he just not ready but r u sure that he's single (14 years ago)

Yeah,u sure he single?Boy sometime lie and gurl same like that..Why gummybearlove?Why u believe he single?And just do siber kiss maybe he will fall in love wit u.. (14 years ago)

i dn`t kn0w. .MayB b`c0z of my l0ve 4 him is t0o much. .)= (14 years ago)

So u dont really know huh...i thought i was right but when u say like this...it make me wrong ggahhh...sorry maybe xiah was right ...he lie 2 u (14 years ago)

Hmm...my boyfriend can't share with me like he share with his friend.that's make me so sad... I know what u feel.. He texting with a girl and call her as his sister.laugh with her...closer to her than me... Hmm...feel hurt... I think our main theme is same..hurt by sum1 who we love..those boys can't understand our love 4 them... Like...we want sumthing so much but we can reach that.owh,totaly make desperate.. Then what i do? I still care with him,and i don't wish feedback from him.as long as i luv him,and i pray for the best,i'll be ok. I try to reach my dreams,so i can make him proud of me.. ^^ Cheer up! (14 years ago)

Yeah...cheer up and enjoy ur life...do what u want..make ur dream come true (14 years ago)

thanx ath3n4 n qaf94. .(= btw,,ath3n4,,ur a g0od girlfriend tht he ever had in his lyfe. .Y w0uld he ign0re u. .?Yeah. .It`s really hurt. .Painfully!!Lucky him. .He`s g0t u. .F b0yz did things lyke tht to me,,i will dump them. .F u dn`t wanna do it,,it owkey. .(= hmm~ur bf reminds of my self. .I`m used to txting wif other b0yz,,spend less time wif him,,calling wif other guyz. .I sh0uld b l0yal to my bf. .But,,all the pressure i felt. .It`s making me unfaithful to him. .Until my lyfe is in darkness!He t0ld me tht i`m changed. .He`s true. .I`ve change my ways. .The me he n0w is,,n0rmal,,childish,,careing,,l0ving,,l0yal. .N i`m nt n0rmal n0w!I wanna dye my hear,,i br0ke he`s rulez ( break dancing,,c0ntacting wif b0yz,,dyeing my hair,,being emo,,nt l0yal 2 him )but n0w,,i believe i cn b l0yal 2 him c0z i wanna spend m0re time wif him n less time wif my fwenz ( b0yz ). .(= (14 years ago)

Heh gummybearmalove,whos ur bf?Did he in ownskin?Tell me who is he..I wanna to talk to these mate.. (14 years ago)

I feel that too..so i can share wth u,and support u.sumtimes,i feel not though enough,but..u know what?i hv been waiting 4 him at least 4 years,and when i got him..i will keep him..hmm..maybe he doesn't luv me..coz i tell to him 1st if i luv him,and wanted him to b w/ me.actually my famz and frenz don't agree if i with him..but..yeah,that's the fact.i luv him... Ok,dear..just believe if evrything will b ok sumday.. Not just u feel that.. ^^ (14 years ago)

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