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 What will u do if your bf doesn't care bout u,but u luv him so much?

U should love with a man who love's u . U should not love first that is love jst try it. (14 years ago)

laugh at him and move on lifes to short (14 years ago)

Bla...bla...bla...brb...brb...brb...gtg...gtg...gtg...f....u...c...k...gtg...gtg...gtg...brb...brb...brb...bla...bla...bla...f...u...c...k...Bla...bla...bla...brb...brb...brb...gtg...gtg...gtg...f...u...c...k...gtg...gtg...gtg...brb...brb...brb...bla...bla...bla... (14 years ago)

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha........................hehe (14 years ago)

Funny pipol r they? Qaf? That people d0nt kn0w how 2 xpress his self in an intrnaxional language.. (14 years ago)

Huh...what?..hihi (14 years ago)

Keep quiet,Qaf..bla..bla..hahaha..u don't believe luv?i hope u fall in luv and u'll beat it!haha.. Btw..tkz to all my frenz who already notice me.. And the result afterall is i broke up with my bf.and i happy now. Hmm..billy..i guess so if he is exactly nuts,jerk,whatever.. I think i have found sum1 who realy luvs me,in way i am. §(^.^)§ (14 years ago)

Hey ath 'btw' stands 4 what?...dont be mad at me cause i gonna cry...and dont ever said that i will found my love or it will become reality cause....emm...u dont have 2 know that... (14 years ago)

I don't want to know ur luv too.don't worry. Btw stands of 'by the way' Hehe.. Owh,wait!u found her,huh?hahax.kidding,Qaf. (14 years ago)

My luv...hmm...i kinda like 1 girl 4m my school but only like 2 be her friend not luv... (14 years ago)

Watch out! Friendsip can turn into luv,bro...hehe (14 years ago)

Well maybe but i will make sure it wont happen... (14 years ago)

Pls ath lets come m ok.....now.. . .m waiting u there (14 years ago)

hold on until you feel that you had enough. ^^,  (14 years ago)

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