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 What will u do if your bf doesn't care bout u,but u luv him so much?

Give him a cash (14 years ago)

Are you dont have other people that love if u have give them a chance (14 years ago)

Sorry,mamat.. I can't understand wht do u mean..  (14 years ago)

If i can come give a little advice. Note that we get in2 relationship not becuz of what we're going 2 gain but wat we are meant 2 give. But when u give a guy all ur heart and all he could do is 2 fool around wit it. My dear, i guess u don't have all right 2 be wit that kind of person. So pls make a good decision cuz if u make it well it can leads u 2 evalasting joy but if taking wrongly, it can leads 2 evalasting sadness.. (14 years ago)

Yes.. I've told him.if he doesn't hv heart 4 me i'll go.. And i'm sure,i'll b ok afterall. (14 years ago)

So say it simply ... (14 years ago)

So say it simply ... (14 years ago)

Yes,bilal.finally i told him.. (14 years ago)

So what he replied??- (14 years ago)

He said,he sad,he didn't sure if i will leave him,and he don't want losing person like me..like that.but that's better 4 me. (14 years ago)

He sad! WoW  (14 years ago)

Yeah..afterall that made me surprised enough..so far,we still contact.. (14 years ago)

Im sorry2say dis but ur bf stings u, he's f0oling u d0nt u think? He seem n0t to show s0me or even a littlebit care bout u, and then he d0nt want to l0se u... Wat a jerk.. He's a nuts. (14 years ago)

Im sorry2say dis but ur bf stings u, he's f0oling u d0nt u think? He seem n0t to show s0me or even a littlebit care bout u, and then he d0nt want to l0se u... Wat a jerk.. He's a nuts. (14 years ago)

Ahm. Ath3n let me b d 1 to speak 4 mamat... He said dat "d0nt u hav any other people to l0ve or any other man that l0ves u, just give him a chance", ahm. Were pertaining to a an0ther man aside fr0m ur bf. (14 years ago)

Hey ath3n4 d0nt let ur heart broke into fine pieces that couldnt b fix again..Wat i mean is d0nt push ur heart 2b broken..I bet if u can0t bear d 2much pain anym0re, it wil v0luntary quit den aftr all it wil b very hard 4u to l0v again.Thats wat hapen 2me last m0nth.So n0w, i find it hard to l0ve again. (14 years ago)

Hm. The last thing i can tell u is that, if thats d way u want it,if thats d way u r hapi..If thats wat ur heart speaks n beats.,then go 4it.U'll stil b d 1 dat wil b hapi wen u got wat u nid&want. (14 years ago)

Juz leave him.u wastin ur tym. (14 years ago)

Hi, If U Ture Love Here, Than Wait for Him! If U r Love Is Ture, Becoz Love Is Love (14 years ago)

Yes,jhandir.tkz.. (14 years ago)

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