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 If men where God ,advicers what do u THINK ?

Hmmm.......i don't we re save bcos pple re bad (13 years ago)

what if womenz bcme god.? (13 years ago)

Hmmm gooood! Topic man! If man will become god! Than this world will go out of the hand by every1 thats obvious he use the powers 4 his own need! @ bt yeah their is lot of disadvantages! Coz man can use his powers to hurt some1 also! Hmmm whatever it is bt yeah life will be good somewhr bt somewhr bad! Lolxxx XD (13 years ago)

first think the word GOD is whch gendr.., so man or women if were as we said their would b no coz wit supr natrl power they'l get der own world & why the hell they cares curent world...  (13 years ago)

I don't think we re save...for e.g Using what is happening in dis os now!N imagine what pple we do if they have d authority.... (13 years ago)

everything will vanish within no sec if man will become God. and it will b a rumer in animals wether human exist or not. Hahaha.... (13 years ago)

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