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 NO LOVE NO TENSION ??? Whats ur comments friens ??

I want to know. (14 years ago)

Yup i believe that but, d lonelines n sadness will ruin each of ur days if u hav n0 l0vlyf. Wat i mean is lifeless. So sad.. (14 years ago)

Absolutely yes!coz without lov ur life will be free..... (14 years ago)

Absolutely yes!coz without lov ur life will be free..... (14 years ago)

This is wrong thought if there is no love then u r gng to live like a dead man because there is no life without love. If u love then tension goes away  (14 years ago)

Yes bro, much living like a deadman, or closely to a h0ll0w.. N0 feelings, n0 tension, n0 real hapines, n0 l0ve, ahahah. Im xpyrd. (14 years ago)

Hahaha,is lov importnt in our lyf? I dun thinx so,i get more hurt when im in loV.. (14 years ago)

Who hate love?...me..myself..hax100 (14 years ago)

I want more coment. (14 years ago)

?? (14 years ago)

Qaf U dnt have any tension ? Coz u dnt love . (14 years ago)

I think luv in nt a tension weather its reduce tension (14 years ago)

no dude every1 has problam ,whater his in love or not,love is makeing help when u do everything to getout from ur tation... (14 years ago)

I can life without love ...without BF ... It is only problem to be in love ... and in the end there will be someone hurt (me or him) so my life is better without it ^^ (14 years ago)

Hey sassy...what if u get the happy ending did ur tension reduced? (14 years ago)

Sassy r u happy with out love. (14 years ago)

Yes i always be happy without love. Because when we have love always hurt. (14 years ago)

Oh realy pop ur happy now? M agree with u. (14 years ago)

I loved to be loved and loving.. Don't ask me bout dis. Hehe.. Life wthout love is empty. (14 years ago)

How? Life is empty with out love? (14 years ago)

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