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"IN TRUTH, THERE WAS ONLY ONE CHRISTIAN AND HE DIED ON THE CROSS..!" Hw many of U believe this Proverb??..n Why? (13 years ago)

no not only one christian but rather only perfect one...we were told to behave like him thats why we are being callf christian.d true christian is he that behave lyk him (13 years ago)

yeah there is only one true christian who died in cross many years ago..he died to save us from our sins... (13 years ago)

Thnx 4 ur comments frns.. (13 years ago)

yea,He is d rock wer christianity is based,n d true christian is 1 who believes He died 4 r sins n that He is d bridge to Heaven,dats my oppinion. (13 years ago)

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