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 What makes u proud of ua self? What have u achieved? What is bothering u? N why re u killing ua self over religion n discrimination?

Answers needed.............To know how u feel !!! (13 years ago)

hu r u (13 years ago)

I only, but sombody u suppose to know!!! (13 years ago)

Greetings! hmmmnnn no one dare to answers huh..lol let me be d 1st one..lmao..i will answer each q of urs n i hope u wont get tired reading..hahaha 1Q. What makes u proud of ur self? I am prod of myself in many aspects n ill give u brief infos..hahaha.. mental aspect- i am proud coz atleast i can make decision on my own, I am always thankful as i was blessed with good mind if not d best and also for having a well-developed instinct which actually helps me figure things out..Social aspect- i am d head of d family right now as i do have parents alive, my 2 younger bros ages 23 and 25 were under my supervision..am attending my grandpa n my other relatives medical needs..I used to manage a huge range of task at d same time n balance everything wonderfully. Emotional aspect- i can fully control my emotions, from d past years i had, ive learn that losing is part of my journey..through pain i became stronger n this wat keeps me going "difficulties became my shield"..physical aspect- i am proud atleast i do not need (13 years ago)

physical aspect- i am proud atleast i do not need cosmetic products to look attractive, dont need high-heels shoes to make be look taller, dont need to wear sexy dresses to make ppl turn their heads on me...theres nothing special or extraordinary about me..God just gave me what i deserve.. (13 years ago)

q2. What have u achieved? I am now a degree holder, a registered nurse here in ph n been working since i graduated (batch 2004)..I earn money for myself n for my family... (13 years ago)

q3. What is bothering u? hmmm.. my upcoming exam..lol although there is no specific date yet..i failed to attend a review on regular basis as i am tied up with responsibilities at work n at home..lol..i need more prayers n bunch of lucky charms to make it..hahaha.. This exam is a requirement for migration..lol (13 years ago)

q4. N why re u killing ua self over religion n discrimination? like wat ive always say.. i am agnostic.. i dont buy more issues concerning religions..lmao.. they r quite boring sometimes... (13 years ago)

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