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 Korean Celebrities Account in Ownskin.

1.Me..2..XiahChun93(he just debut last year hope he be artist,amen).3..Beast member(i dont knw what his account. (14 years ago)

what did you mean ? korean celebrity ? you are korean celebrity ????? (14 years ago)

Dearl lovely Guacg..Just go to my Cyworld..And coment in there..Me Outsider..Dont Know? If wana know me much just in Cyworld..Seya there!..Sorry for my damn english.. (14 years ago)

And i just make Ads in here for Asian Singer for my comeback in Music Bank(k-chart)..See me in KBS in Friday night..I thought im gona not on9..Just an ads (14 years ago)

Wah Bigbro,outsider!,im ur fan..I sing ur song just use Blablabla hehe ur song so fast (14 years ago)

Hyung Shin,saranghe aka I love u much.. (14 years ago)

Bro Outsider,i wana u song Fringe man again,hehe..Even me korean dont undrstand ur song. (14 years ago)

I like rap and brad dance (14 years ago)

Do you know the this song the title is battle cry this song is used as opening song in samurai champloo anime (14 years ago)

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