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What is the different between the Best friend and other friend..? (12 years ago)

a best friend is that whose we can share our personal feeling, do help and live close to our heart. A simple friend is that whose with we spend time but we dnt feel so much hpy and forget as soon as he leave.. A simple friend may contain chrctrstic of gready or proudy.. That may prevent him to come close to our heart (12 years ago)

Salman khan (12 years ago)

aside fr0m what others menti0ned, i believe that y0ur bestfriend c0uld pr0bably be y0ur w0rst enemy..  (12 years ago)

Good alien.. According to me, when other friends understand your feeling, only your Best friend can feel your feeling.. For a funny fact, who knows your ATM PIN number, he is your best friend.. Ha.. Haa.. (12 years ago)

Wht a e.g. He.he.he. For me best frnd is a one who knw about u more than u.. (12 years ago)

.. (12 years ago)

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