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 i check ur honesty!

suppose u r God for 1 day. U have to do justic with everybody. Suddenly u sees a dog which is hungry from sevral days and now it is about to death. It suddenly see a cat and chases it (cat) to eat. Now tell me what u'll do? Will u let dog to eat cat (it will let the cat to loose own life) or will let the dog die and save the cat life. As u r God, u have to do justic with everybody. (12 years ago)

i will let the dog die becoz me didnt like dogz... (12 years ago)

According to me, this world is made by the survival of the fittest... I won't do anything.. If the dog is fit than the cat, the dog will retain its life whereas the cat will alive.. (12 years ago)

I agree with pemuwa... (12 years ago)

oooopssss sorry! I mean I agree with phoenix..LMAO..  (12 years ago)

Rodayao... Ha.. Haa.. Are you sleeping? (12 years ago)

Knights... According to me, your God loves everything... Read alien's Q once again.. (12 years ago)

knights u should nt forget that u r God.. And u cant hate anybody as for u everything equal (12 years ago)

phoenix if u will nt do anything, the time will stop. U must take a step.. (may b another step) (12 years ago)

Just I'll watch the chasing of dog and cat.. Thats my next step.. He.. Hee.. (12 years ago)

hmm.. Phoenix, i think u r confuse. He he.. (12 years ago)

Not at all alien... Its not necessary to give you what you expect..! He.. Hee... (12 years ago)

hmmm.... (12 years ago)

What will you do alien if the same Q being asked on you? (12 years ago)

I'l let da Dog eat da Cat, cz i'd been Unfair wid dog alReaDy bY Makin it starVe, n the Cat wz haD a faiR treaTment ol hiS lyf sO diz wil BalanCe d aCt of b'ing faiRnesS....! (12 years ago)

*being fair.. (12 years ago)

hmm... I will tell later... But phoenix u should keep in mind that you r GOD OF UNIVERSE.-- not a simle human. (12 years ago)

thnQ nfir for ur cmnt... And also rodayo u too thnQ... (12 years ago)

Yeah alien.. I keep it in my mind.. According to me, Your God made this world by The Survival of the Fittest... So, if I'm your God, I'll do what he is doing now..... (12 years ago)

yup my lord loves everything, but not me... (12 years ago)

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