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What is differnce b/w ABORTION & MURDER...? (13 years ago)

Abortion means, killing someone without its/his/her knowledge and consent.. Murder means killing someone with his knowledge but not with his consent... (13 years ago)

Bala u r dubl ok (13 years ago)

^ha ha dble ok.. (13 years ago)

Ha.. Ha.. (13 years ago)

Clever. (13 years ago)

Abortion is pemitted by one of the parents. But murder is never permitted by the parents. (13 years ago)

Abortion iz dn y th dtr. bt mrdr ij dn y criminal (13 years ago)

in my sight both r crime in any condition. No difrnc (13 years ago)

Sometimes, Dr. also murders someones.. Its a right one according to Medical ethics... Ha.. Ha.. alien, is there no diff? (13 years ago)

Sometimes, Dr. also murders someones.. Its a right one according to Medical ethics... Ha.. Ha.. alien, is there no diff? (13 years ago)

Sometimes, Dr. also murders someones.. Its a right one according to Medical ethics... Ha.. Ha.. alien, is there no diff? (13 years ago)

No if th embryo is hmfl fr th mthr in its initial stg thn law cn also prmit 2 abrt th foteus & its not crim  (13 years ago)

#Suyash.. You can post your comment liberally.. Its not a sms to minimize your words.. (13 years ago)

oh sorry phoenix..i didnt take into considration abt mother health. If there is danger of mother life then aborstion will nt a crime. Otherwise approx. There is no diff. B/w abostion n murder. (13 years ago)

According to Medical field laws, Abortion is not a crime act... But, according to Human ethics, it's a crime.. According to human ethics, Noone has the rights to kill anybody with/without those consent..... Abortion can be classified into two.. One is legal abortion due to non-capability of carrying baby which is in initial growing stage.. Second one is illegal abortion due to illegal fornication of a couple(?).. According to me, there can be the possibility of illegal parents.. Never illegal Child.. Growing as a illegal child in a girl's uterus is not a fault of that child but the mistake of that girl.. So, According to me, There will be no illegal child but illegal parents.. Do you agree with me...?  (13 years ago)

Oh! Phnx if these words r pass frm th abrd thn wht u say? Abrsn is tpc dt nd these words lik nudty is th bsc nd of sm flms if u eithr upst thn it ij btr 2 lev th tpc. (13 years ago)

Sory i lv it ur wrds upst me (13 years ago)

Suyash, whats your language? (13 years ago)

Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry Sry BIG BRO my flngs r jst popd out  (13 years ago)

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