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 I need your frank replies.

We know very well that we are far away from each others.. Just imagine now.. I'm counting my last living minutes in my room and I inform to you all by this os.. As we are not in possibilty to meet, we cann't meet.. At this moment, I expect a Very Last Message from each and everyone of you.. What will you post for me..? (13 years ago)

GOD BLESS U  (13 years ago)

plz phoenix dnt post like this! Sorry.  (13 years ago)

my msg would be like this "am gonna miss u for sure..u will always be in prayers" (13 years ago)

don't worry we will meet in heaven few minutes later (13 years ago)

Phnx am not drnkr bt I sgst u 2 tk a lrg pag & frgt al d world. (13 years ago)

Don't ask like this.. (13 years ago)

Don't ask like this.. (13 years ago)

Don't ask like this.. (13 years ago)

Anna plz don,t ask this Qus. Again..i feel very sad.. (13 years ago)

Phnx aftr sm dcds b bth met in hell bcoz u drnk lst tm bsyd rmbr God & I sgst u 2 drnk  (13 years ago)

how r u now? @phoenix (13 years ago)

Ill say 'c u in hell'and wait for me too. Ha ha ha ha ha . Morak of ur story os friend are of no help ha ha ha  (13 years ago)

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