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 should we change our self when we love sm1?

pls gv me ur opinion..;D ;D (13 years ago)

if u have already good behaviour, u should nt change ur slf 4 sm1  (13 years ago)

It depends on how do you behaved before fell into love and after falling in love.. If you have good behaviours and your lover attracted by your behaviour, It's not necessary to change yourself... And.... It'll seem that so happy to you and your lover when you changed yourself untill a clash happens between you.. (13 years ago)

Hmmm.. You are right alien.. (13 years ago)

For my opinion? No! Why should we change ourselves. They should learn how to accept us. Ü (13 years ago)

Yes we should change to lover to make his/her happy..if ur love also loves you but dnt change self totaly if his/her wrong and if ur love not understand you means if he/she not care you or not love you so control ur emotion..  (13 years ago)

And m also agree with 13teen (13 years ago)

And m also agree with 13teen (13 years ago)

Since u are in lov wit sm1 think we have to change (13 years ago)

Since we are in lov wit sm1 i think we have to change (13 years ago)

Yeah,, we have to change. (13 years ago)

when u love someone let them go,if they come back to you they are yours if they don't they never were.. (13 years ago)

when u love someone let them go,if they come back to you they are yours if they don't they never were.. (13 years ago)

when u love someone let them go,if they come back to you they are yours if they don't they never were.. (13 years ago)

sum changes are gud and sum are not..we shud 1st know the outcome of the changes.if itz gud for us and our relation too dn we must go ahead.. (13 years ago)

^yes, may b v shud change. (13 years ago)

Its a great feeling to fall in love but its greatest when the person whom do u love also loves u... We must change little bit not totally...  (13 years ago)

^mighty.,she just askd v hav 2 chg or nt,but u reachd ta sky.. (13 years ago)

Why ta os going lame..,wher gone everyone..? Me feeling like a lonely star....ha ha h (13 years ago)

Well i think..'a big no'! But if u hv noticd, we automaticly changes(like bhavior) in love. That's funny" (13 years ago)

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