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 Gud relationship

Y the gals r not ready 2 tak wt boys until he msg or tak or request . . . ? Is they dont hv relation between them. . . ? Or in world ther is no good boys r ther. . .?A GOOD BOY DONT HV ANY GOOD FEELING ABT THEM EVEN IN FRNDSHP OR LOVER OR ANY OTHER RELATIONSHIP . . . ?  (13 years ago)

hmm.,girls r very proudy. Alwys have high conc. Of boys. (13 years ago)

Hmmmm. . . ! Ther s no boys r ther they dnt hv any concntrt on gals or they dnt hv any proud feely himself. . . ?dnt mind bt i tink u dnt hv proud feely urself. . .  (13 years ago)

Hmmmm. . . ! Ther s no boys r ther they dnt hv any concntrt on gals or they dnt hv any proud feely himself. . . ?dnt mind bt i tink u dnt hv proud feely abt urself. . .  (13 years ago)

Ha...Ha.. I think that this topic will be a very good punch on girl's nose.. Ha..Ha.. As our alien said... They may feel as proud.. Since they feel too vanity,,,, they are not ready to send the friendship request.. And they may feel that if they send the request to us(boys) we would think about them as little cheap.. To demolish those thought, we can do one thing.. That is our guys shouldn't send any request to them.. Shouldn't go to their homepage.. But, it's not possible at all.. Most Our guys are too weak on girls.. Ha..Ha.. What to do..?  (13 years ago)

Hey baala bhai . . . U think we r weak abt the gals . . . U ddnt njoy wt ur's male frnds . . . ?is ther they dont need any boys. . . ?  (13 years ago)

See SMadhu.. I want to say one thing.. Once I created a new id in a girl name with a well structured girl photo... You won't believe this.. I got 83 friendship requests from boys... Ha..Ha.. It was so funny.. Then I informed that thats my fake id.. It happened before 8months.. What do you say about I said in above..? (13 years ago)

Ha ha ha . . . Baala bro u right. . . But i can remark one example of tat gal 'anaholic' she had tkd abt boys loyalty bt is she loyalty wt tat boy. . . ?now she s abused by tat guy, bt now situation 100% she s searchin for another guy i knw its need. . . U nly tel me she need a true hearted boy . . . I think she is somemore over involved wt him. . . She is wrong in choosen. . . Every gals need a true love but y dnt they ready 2 express their feeling wt their's loveable one. . . ?EACH N EVERY EQUALS IN WORLD NA. . . HEY GUYS WAT DU U SAYS WE ARE NOT WEAK IN GALS SUB. . .  (13 years ago)

ha ha ha..good experiment phoenix.  (13 years ago)

http://www27.ownskin.com/ (13 years ago)

Hmmm... (13 years ago)

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