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 If u were given 1 crore rupees and given 1 week to spend it. U couldnot buy anythng. What would u do with the money?

If u were given 1 crore rupees and given 1 week to spend it. U couldnot buy anythng. What would u do with the money? (13 years ago)

Wil donate entire core to charity.... Ha ha just jokng.., Me just beg to extnd ta validy to 2year...  (13 years ago)

Hmmm.. I'll throw it into ocean.. I never expect anything which comes to me without my effort.. (13 years ago)

Throw it into ocean . Give me if u dnt want that money hehe. (13 years ago)

Ok knights u r given 1 year validity what would u do then?  (13 years ago)

Hmm one more questn, diz time ' i wil give ta money to baala..,im sure he vil throw it to ocean... Apo namuk rand peerkum pooyi perukaada... Ha ha h.. (13 years ago)

Ok da machaaa great idea daaaa he he he (13 years ago)

i ll deposit it in bank n ll nt work n spend my life with my family  (13 years ago)

@sym1 week's enough fo meh! lol (13 years ago)

I will give it to charity and also for poor people  (13 years ago)

no one want 1 crore.? Strange.. (13 years ago)

Sweet dreem! Please weak up!  (13 years ago)

i would construct a Masjid wid my father's name n suport a needy family wid remaining money  (13 years ago)

ill give those money to my parents and askd them to buy anythng they like..bcoz the condition is i cant buy anythng but i guess my famaly can  (13 years ago)

ill give those money to my parents and askd them to buy anythng they like..bcoz the condition is i cant buy anythng but i guess my famaly can  (13 years ago)

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