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 Unforgettable Moment

Dears... Is there any unforgettable moment(may be happy or sad moment) in your life..? Pl share with our guys... (13 years ago)

My happiest moment of life was-When I first accepted me my angel!.....Nd my sad moment was-When my angel left me !!! (13 years ago)

Oh... If it is so, your angel made you happy and sad by accepting you and rejecting you respectively... When she left you, did she feel happy..? Don't mistake me for asking like this dear brother.. And, how do you feel now after leaving her...?  (13 years ago)

Hmmm... The happiest moments in my life are two moments.. One is.... I was selected as the best Electrical trainee of Y2K among the skilled electricians of all over India.. I was rewarded with Gold medal and 25k cash by our Indian govt.. I won't forget that moment in my life.. Then 2nd one is I donated my one of the kidneies to a poor lady on 18th Jan of this year...... And one of The saddest moments in my life is My wife left me and my child lonely in this world on the delivery time.. And the other is my baby's death... (13 years ago)

after leaving i m feel not good..she is my love nd my whole life..but she cant understand my feeling nd my love for her..she was always doubt up to me..so wht can i do that time. (13 years ago)

@phnx, hmm dat realy sad, You selected as the best Electrical trainee of Y2K.,great.., How much diz' 25k cash'? Anyway lets party.. (13 years ago)

OMG...wHAtTA wORst lyf wAS dAt...bAaLA...nEwe, kEp oN hELpng othRs...dSpyt of uL d0s bAd xpRnces uve beEn with...u stL hav da heart tO make othRs hapY by hLping dEM...aNd GOD wiLL ALwYS cARE 4u..u may loSt ur wYf n ur chLd...itS gOD's weLL...sure he has a purPOSe 4dat...ü (13 years ago)

OMG...wHAtTA wORst lyf wAS dAt...bAaLA...nEwe, kEp oN hELpng othRs...dSpyt of uL d0s bAd xpRnces uve beEn with...u stL hav da heart tO make othRs hapY by hLping dEM...aNd GOD wiLL ALwYS cARE 4u..u may loSt ur wYf n ur chLd...itS gOD's weLL...sure he has a purPOSe 4dat...ü (13 years ago)

Hmmm.. 25k means 25,000 rs ya.. That's not now.. That was is Y2K1... And what about your moments..?  (13 years ago)

no such moments......, hav some but private... (13 years ago)

Hai...friends., so sad to here abt PHOENIXBAALAA Sir... (13 years ago)

In my life, happiest moments are less and that much of sad day r not there in my life.... (13 years ago)

phoenix so nice to kn0w that u r kind_hearted..u'r such an angel to other people..nwe,that's life ful of twist and turn,ups and down,bUt d most worSt is that when u nEeD s0m1 2 lean oN,wen u sek 4 s0me1's help,n0body's there,the other jz let u down nd left u alone..god has a wondrful plan 4 evry1 of us,we may n0t get 8 by the tym we neEdEd 8 m0st but s0medy u wil kn0w that bey0nd downess there is stil upness. .haha! U d0nt dEserve that kind of wifE,U Myt find s0me1 who cn undrstnd u in any way,never g0na lev u n tyms of troubles..stay positive! I realy admire the way u handle ur lyf..^_^ (13 years ago)

the hapiest thing ever hapend n2 my lyf is wen i finaly finishd my stUDies and awardEd As outsanding pRe _service teacher...that day i realizeD, that,finaly my parents wi££ n0 m0re be woried Hw 2 sufFice my nEeDS...2nd was wen i met my hoNey he madE me c0mplete,he brougHT COlorS n2 my blue lyf,,he made me fEel sPeciaL..ANd the sadDest 1 is my hoNey also. .he Left me sudDenly, he was stolen by dEAth.. He was killed by s0me uncoNscienced people..they fEeD him 5 bullets. . .huhuhu..til n0w,i dnt knw hw 2 overc0me his unexpectd dEAth.. Tell me wht 2do friends. .  (13 years ago)

My thanks for all of you dear brothers and sisters.. (13 years ago)

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