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 Why amrica afraid from Usama bin ladin he is a normal man and amrica is super power?

Waiting 4 your coments (14 years ago)

look no 1 afraid to any1 ...not even i afarid to any buddy expet my family member ...if i do anything it,s effect' my family ..and my futaer so i have to think whatever i do...just like america can kill usama ..no doute but tacking a careful stape may be usma kill  (14 years ago)

Osama bin ladan is great which have Allah given capabilities . He can destroy the america. coz his soldier r a main weapon they dnt fear of death.  (14 years ago)

Osama terorist numero uno. America super power numero uno. So america protect them self from numero uno terorist. I support you america hehe. (14 years ago)

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