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 Am so confused.

We loved each other since childhood,wen i was in college he ask me 4 a date and that was my first kiss i receive 4 him it was so romantic and smooth i lv it. After college,university in my fouth year in skul we were skil dating.we been dating 4 like 5yrs now,no quarrel and no fight,our love was great and stronge.. We were in love with each other nd also planning to marry me,that was the happiest thing in my life that i will never 4get but he said after i finish skull.. Just recently i find out that he was having a secret affair with my twin... God am so lost and confuse. (13 years ago)

Let me buy u a sorry.But my advice goes lik dis,He did dis to hurt u but is unfair ur man dating ur twin sister,hmmm....but if u truely luv him u hav to do somtin.first is prayer.But no dat satan is at work.my dear do ur best but if it does'nt work den no dat u do not belong there.  (13 years ago)

my sympathy to u for wasted years but you were unfortunate to befriend a man with the roving eyes gene experts call AVPR1a,making him promiscuous by nature.u were lucky to unveil him b4 marriage bcz these men have the trait wired in their blood and are more likely to have weak relationshippr and marital problems.Note:this gene is hereditary.Surely u were not meant for such a man.take care. (13 years ago)

my sympathy to u for wasted years but you were unfortunate to befriend a man with the roving eyes gene experts call AVPR1a,making him promiscuous by nature.u were lucky to unveil him b4 marriage bcz these men have the trait wired in their blood and are more likely to have weak relationshippr and marital problems.Note:this gene is hereditary.Surely u were not meant for such a man.take care. (13 years ago)

He did a very bad thing, to both of you, and you should both dump him and move on! (13 years ago)

forget him.muve on.tel d truth to ur sis lso (13 years ago)

Thx guys 4 ur support.. Finally i broke up with him but my sis now live with him n they look happily. Maybe we are not meant 4 each other..am jt happy 4 d both of them..thx (13 years ago)

dont worry,take a seat and relax,they may be seen to b happy because thier love is 'new' but the roving eye gene will resurface and your twin will have herself to blame. (13 years ago)

@BomberLy4: show that u can keep live fuLL happiness witout him.....no man no cry!!!! man, not onLy him (13 years ago)

I agree wit pemuwa. Cheer Up.. U'l fnd sm1 better than him. God jst wnt 2 gv u the best na. Dnt wry! Best wishes. N Take Care.. (13 years ago)

I agree wit pemuwa. Cheer Up.. U'l fnd sm1 better than him. God jst wnt 2 gv u the best na. Dnt wry! Best wishes. N Take Care.. (13 years ago)

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