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 Guyz,when a girl approach to u and say i luv u. What wil u do?

Guyz,when a girl approach to u and say i luv u. What wil u do?  (13 years ago)

i will just love her i dont't want to break anyone's heart (13 years ago)

Marry.... (13 years ago)

Just get hold of her hand,shi might take u somewhea somehow someplace. (13 years ago)

see first, if I know that girl I will answer directly yes or no. If I don't know the person, I will ask for her information before give her my answer. Even if my answer is no, we may still be friends. (13 years ago)

see first, if I know that girl I will answer directly yes or no. If I don't know the person, I will ask for her information before give her my answer. Even if my answer is no, we may still be friends. (13 years ago)

i just cry,cry,cry bcz never seen anything like that b4 except in movies,he he (13 years ago)

I ask him. you are a pasient of aids? If say no I wil fuck him (13 years ago)

well thats awesome (13 years ago)

Sorry i dont trust u (13 years ago)

it is a big turn off for me if a girl do the first move... (13 years ago)

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