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 Boys n girls

between boys n girls who break up so easily? (13 years ago)

Boys, because boys early attract on new girls. (13 years ago)

yes, us guys, it's our genes to be unstable, which is why i refrain from maintaining formal relationships, since God endowed me with a conscience that makes me crazy every time i do something wrong. Hehe... Anyone, is in our genes to be stupid, so forgive us girls!  (13 years ago)

no no no no,hamlet boy,girl are the worst since they materialistic.they will love u who u r and what u have,if u have nothing guy,take a hike. (13 years ago)

work hard my friend hamlet and make a name 4 u self otherwise u wont any damsel to marry,girl of nowadays goes to the highest bidder.take care buddy. (13 years ago)

I don,t know? (13 years ago)

thanks for your worry friend Pemuwa. Hahaha  (13 years ago)

thanks for your worry friend Pemuwa. Hahaha  (13 years ago)

i guess guys, not because am a girl..lmao..perhaps because men do the initial action... (13 years ago)

initial move* (13 years ago)

u know what,lady hot rod?the initial move is made when the highest bidder appears on the horizon. (13 years ago)

just think about this hot rod,what wll b ua feelings towards a hustler who lives in a ghetto with no toilets u do ua bizness in polythene bag and throw at night on the roof of ua neighbour and an executive in a blue chip company who is buying u an beach apartment in the bahamas? (13 years ago)

just think about this hot rod,what wll b ua feelings towards a hustler who lives in a ghetto with no toilets u do ua bizness in polythene bag and throw at night on the roof of ua neighbour and an executive in a blue chip company who is buying u an beach apartment in the bahamas? (13 years ago)

@pemuwa, most girls would choose the comfortable life over love..but not in my case, I myself afford to have a decent life on my own way so definitely I wont be blinded by all the staffs that money can buy.. Money cant buy my principle.. (13 years ago)

what makes u think that u r an exception miss hot rod?in real life u r like the rest.atleast u have accepted tht gals are materialistic.CASE CLOSED GUYS.NEXT TOPIC. (13 years ago)

the boys, of course...  (13 years ago)

@pemuwa coz i proven it myself.. believe it or not this thing happened to me n it continues.. am on this phase ok!... (13 years ago)

hai...plz add me (13 years ago)

then lady hot rod i salute u,u r one in a million. (13 years ago)

I think, both boys and girls eQually.. (12 years ago)

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