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 What would you do if the person you love tells you that they love another person too and don't want to lose either???

This is the most difficult dilemma i'v been faced with! Guys help me out!!! (13 years ago)

no one can swim in 2 river at a time...hmmmnnn actually that happened to me last march or april..lol..@ akanks u r not alone..lol we r 2..hahaha..this is wat i did -I thank him for being such a honest person, then i gve up my place so he wont get a hard time choosing- after 2 months he came back and left d other girl...lol (13 years ago)

Go to hell is the best thig that u can say to that pervert! (13 years ago)

is he mistake no who can catch fish with 2 hands. if he do that just let him out cos u cant share it . he not sure with ur. not sincere with him self ...so u can try to forget him , cos if you continue have only problem with.tears. (13 years ago)

Forget him coz god made for u another prince. (13 years ago)

Baby there're a lot of gays diein 4 you so don't wait until he ask you 2 leave b4 do.. (13 years ago)

Thanks for the advice.....bt i tried both the approches, i told him dat im leaving him so that it'l b easier for him but he calld back after a couple of days and told me he wants me in his life but he loves the other girl even if hez trying not to see her anymore! N i gues i cnt tel hm to get the hell outta my life coz i dnt wnt hm to leave and i know he loves me too.....Gosh, its confusing... (13 years ago)

Hi ankansha.first thing is tht wen u luvs someone u never thinks abt ny1 else and if he says this thn it means he didn't luvs u as much he luvs before, so forget him ,i knw it isn't easy but be brave kkkk (13 years ago)

Love is not the one thing, u care someone , u wanna see him/her happy, u wanna talk to him/her always. This is love. And if a guy wants to care/see happy/talk with 2 girls. I dont think its bad. Forget about the other girl u live with him make him happy,he will ownself love u only. (13 years ago)

that means he does not love to either! Suffering is not who yo love. One thing is to be unfaithfull to one night (although it's wrong ) and quite another to tell partner that you love other person too! If you do like the trio, go ahead! But i bet he would not have the some consideration if i had happened to yo! Think it. (13 years ago)

Say her just c me has a yor best frnd 2 prblms simply solvd.. (13 years ago)

"What would you do if the person you love tells you that they love another person too and don't want to lose either???" as u've asked this quest. I will try to leave him/her...If i cant...I will just make him/her as a friend only. Not more than this. Thanks! (13 years ago)

huft.that's will b so difficult.but i don't want to be d second.i want to b d one...even it's so hard,but i'll choose d other one who just can luv me... (13 years ago)

oh,y...i hv dis problem also.n now i just want to make frenhip with him...and my life is ok.life must go on anyway..=) (13 years ago)

Roll with dem BOTH (13 years ago)

Hmmmm @deep tink u very rite (13 years ago)

U ARE FUCK!!! ##########################################################################00888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888#Fuck! (13 years ago)

U ARE FUCK!!! ##########################################################################00888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888#Fuck!!! (13 years ago)

as a man it is an insult to my masculinity. she cannot have us both so she have to choose between Me or him?  (13 years ago)

in diz world der r many girls if one goes another it happen to me in last week my g.f leave me my friend say let go n beat dat guy bt i said to them it not his fault its my g.f fault  (13 years ago)

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