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 Filipinos are n0t m0nkeys! Chinese,HK ARE REAL MONKEYS!!

Fuck U ALL HK NATIONALITIES..! (13 years ago)

ohohohoho! whats going on? (13 years ago)

Why are they caLling us monkeys??! Its not all our fault...YOU SHOULD NOT PUT ALL THE BLAME to all the FILIPINOS!!...we Filipinos were also sad of the tragic incident...I am so proud of Jackie Chan!!He just proved that he is really a HERO not just in the movies but in a real world....Even though he is Chinese national, he understood us FILIPINOS!! Why can't u be like him???WE ALSO WANT WORLD PEACE!!! (13 years ago)

Why are they caLling us monkeys??! Its not all our fault...YOU SHOULD NOT PUT ALL THE BLAME to all the FILIPINOS!!...we Filipinos were also sad of the tragic incident...I am so proud of Jackie Chan!!He just proved that he is really a HERO not just in the movies but in a real world....Even though he is Chinese national, he understood us FILIPINOS!! Why can't u be like him???WE ALSO WANT WORLD PEACE!!! (13 years ago)

hello hello hello,...listen, see peoples of diffrent country, they all r differ slightly by face, talk, style of living etc etc... But they all have same feeling..like love, abailty of learn, eat, do work., etc etc,..now if sm1 says u wrng (of a particular country) its nt mean that ppls of that cntry r bad. So dnt abuse other, ok..live hapy,thnx (13 years ago)

hello hello hello,...listen, see peoples of diffrent country, they all r differ slightly by face, talk, style of living etc etc... But they all have same feeling..like love, abailty of learn, eat, do work., etc etc,..now if sm1 says u wrng (of a particular country) its nt mean that ppls of that cntry r bad. So dnt abuse other, ok..live hapy,thnx (13 years ago)

Trivia: This topic was made 3 mos ago (august 2010) when a tourist bus carrying 25 chinese-national have been hostage in Quirino Grandstand, Manila...The hostagetaker name Rolando Mendoza was a identified by the Philippine National Police (PNP) as a former high-ranking commissioned police officer, who demanded to be reinstated with benefits to his previous post at the Manila Police District, from which he had been dismissed in 2009 amidst allegations of extortion. Idk how many chinese were killed in d said incident, but am sure this is d reason why this topic has been made. (13 years ago)

Trivia: This topic was made 3 mos ago (august 2010) when a tourist bus carrying 25 chinese-national have been hostage in Quirino Grandstand, Manila...The hostagetaker name Rolando Mendoza was a identified by the Philippine National Police (PNP) as a former high-ranking commissioned police officer, who demanded to be reinstated with benefits to his previous post at the Manila Police District, from which he had been dismissed in 2009 amidst allegations of extortion. Idk how many chinese were killed in d said incident, but am sure this is d reason why this topic has been made. (13 years ago)

Trivia: This topic was made 3 mos ago (august 2010) when a tourist bus carrying 25 chinese-national have been hostage in Quirino Grandstand, Manila...The hostagetaker name Rolando Mendoza was identified by the Philippine National Police (PNP) as a former high-ranking commissioned police officer, who demanded to be reinstated with benefits to his previous post at the Manila Police District, from which he had been dismissed in 2009 amidst allegations of extortion. Idk how many chinese were killed in d said incident, but am sure this is d reason why this topic has been made. (13 years ago)

*if we pilipinos are mOnkey's? what about you out there is a donkey huh?we are just same human being breath,eat,work etc...should'nt hurt others filling mmm...lol...  (13 years ago)

monkey money u r donkey filipino (13 years ago)

o...ou!??? (13 years ago)

hahaha (13 years ago)

hey u cyber bustarddddd! Wat is ur prblem huh! Go 2 hellllll bullshittttttt and besides not all d fililipnos are mOnkey and too are also mOnkey bcoz wel are all same banana ins't it right?hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... (13 years ago)

wat i mean if we're mOnkey also u cyber bcoz we are all eat banana huhuhuhuhu. . .i'm out of this s2pid pose chawww! (13 years ago)

hahahahaha ka jan baka ipakulam pa kita bruho ka punta kana lang ng impeyerno kung wla kng mbting ggwin kung manira ng iba s2pido hekhekhekhek lol. . . . (13 years ago)

What's happening here..? Actually, we only worse than any other animal in this world.. Humen always humen only.. This site is not a battle field to quarrel with others.. Don't spit your bull shit thinkings on others.. (13 years ago)

What's happening here..? Actually, we only worse than any other animal in this world.. Humen always humen only.. This site is not a battle field to quarrel with others.. Don't spit your bull shit thinkings on others.. (13 years ago)

mmm. . . .mmm. . .mmm. . . (13 years ago)

@ain30 yeah we knw filipinos r monkey as well donkey dun u worried abt it too much my monkey  (13 years ago)

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