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 Muslims r not a Terrorist

Everybody thinked that muslim r terrorist or not but anybody thinked how the terrorism spread? from where it started? Why it started? My dear frnds don't say terrorist to muslim. Muslim r not terrorist bcoz islaam teach them peace,wisdom,many other good things. (13 years ago)

tum bhot acche ho. (13 years ago)

Thanks (13 years ago)

Thanks....... (13 years ago)

Theek kaha (13 years ago)

you right  (13 years ago)

i feel very lucky that i m 4rm a muslim religion, bcuse muslim r not a terrorist  (13 years ago)

yeah we kno bt sm people are there spoiling peac wisdom they jst think 4 themselves (13 years ago)

yeah we kno bt sm people are there spoiling peac wisdom they jst think 4 themselves (13 years ago)

If u want 2 know muslims r terrorist or not? Go & Research on it, jaane begeer kuch bhi mat kahoo.... If u want 2 know about islaam go on google or youtube & search maulaana jarjis & listen the speech. (13 years ago)

If u want 2 know muslims r terrorist or not? Go & Research on it, jaane begeer kuch bhi mat kahoo.... If u want 2 know about islaam go on google or youtube & search maulaana jarjis & listen the speech.thanks (13 years ago)

If u want 2 know muslims r terrorist or not? Go & Research on it, jaane begeer kuch bhi mat kahoo.... If u want 2 know about islaam go on google or youtube & search maulaana jarjis & listen the speech.thanksss (13 years ago)

 (13 years ago)

 (13 years ago)

Saare indian hindues apni maa amrican se chudate hain iss wajah se ye muslim ko terrist khte hain saare kaafir maadrjaat hn. (13 years ago)

Saare indian hindues apni maa amrican se chudate hain iss wajah se ye muslim ko terrist khte hain saare kaafir maadrjaat hn. (13 years ago)

Saare indian hindues apni maa amrican se chudate hain iss wajah se ye muslim ko terrist khte hain saare kaafir maadrjaat hn. (13 years ago)

you are right muslims are not terrorist (13 years ago)

you are right muslims are not terrorist (13 years ago)

those who call muslims terriorist should in the first get a sight inside their conscience.Have you people ever considerd the realy that who propogated the extremism by using religion and hypocriticaty inspiring the common that some thing arent going well.Lets take an example amirica she diplomaticaly pioneered al.Qaida to get muslim with them in their mean to knock out USSR from afghanistan.bt after ruling out ussr america left the mad dog alone....  (13 years ago)

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