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 Who born first between those 3?

I dont know between chinese,japanese and korean..what civilization born first? (14 years ago)

Japan then China then Korea... (14 years ago)

Owh...i thought china first well.. im wrong (14 years ago)

I think it's china! (14 years ago)

its china,..because..yellow river civilisation..was flourished before all oriental countries! (14 years ago)

Its japan..Let u think..In 15 cent. why japan has 158th emperor?That mean they already exist in THOUSAND OF BC..Before Christ Jesus born....And China the second coz the first Emperor was aroud 10 BC...The Qing dynasty..Then diveded into3..Then Jin..Then Qi..Japan the first civilation in E.Asia..It like 10 000 BC.. (14 years ago)

China has 5000 years of civilization, means from what history has recorded it exists around 3000bc. there are many empires exists before qing. do a google on china civilization. (14 years ago)

Alright u win...Just search again...When pre-japan exist...How bout Izanagi and Izanami?They already exist before Japan or han or anyting..These 2 gods r the maker of japan...Just ask the buddha in japan..Just asking japanese when the exist,okay!.....Maybe japan exist before god/gods?We dunt knw.. (14 years ago)

And search the TIMELINE OF EAST ASIA.. (14 years ago)

Okay...The first was Japan..It was exist in 10 000bc..The second was southkorea was 2333bc under go gosun dynasty.. And china the 3rd,in 2100bc under first empire Xia... (14 years ago)

Hey im confuse here...TELL ME THE RIGHT ANSWER!!! (14 years ago)

My mistake,1st korea in 2333bc,2nd china 2100bc,3rd japan 1000bc (14 years ago)

Owh...did u say japan is in 10000 b.c...but now one 0 is missing..where did the 0 go? (14 years ago)

My wrong..I thnk i see 10000 bc..That look like the movie...The 0 is in ur ass.. (14 years ago)

No not in mine but in urs... (14 years ago)

hahaha.. (14 years ago)

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