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 Why the man need to have wife?

Share ur idea here.. Coz wife... (13 years ago)

r u sure??..man only need girl no need wife..hehe (13 years ago)

Yeah, also that.. But can u give the reasön, why all boy need to hav the girl? (13 years ago)

Coz boy don't have what girl have n boy crazy bout that thing,.hehehe (13 years ago)

Stupid.. (13 years ago)

simply bcoz a wife is more than just a woman...  (13 years ago)

Areeeeee....??? Yaar how u came in existence. (13 years ago)

Areeeeee....??? Yaar how u came in existence. (13 years ago)

why ur mother need husband..wat wud pple call ur mom if she doesnt hve hsband..? slut? whore? bitch? prostitude? (13 years ago)

if u fallin luv wit 1women..cn u let other pple f*ck ur girl? if u are,its still ok b'coz u r juz ruined ur life not others,but wat if the leader of 1country think like the way u think? i dnt think tat man cn lead country...it juz ruin the circle of life (13 years ago)

if u fallin luv wit 1women..cn u let other pple f*ck ur girl? if u are,its still ok b'coz u r juz ruined ur life not others,but wat if the leader of 1country think like the way u think? i dnt think tat man cn lead country...it juz ruin the circle of life (13 years ago)

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