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 Why do most white women like black men?

To me base on some statistic i want to hear your own view about this topic. (14 years ago)

It was coz of the girl never see down to blackman... Black and white is same,coz there are people they have their own taste.. "Dunt care who u r,where u frm,wat u did,as long as u love me" frm Korean quetos..  (14 years ago)

Not all...i've heard about this in some forum and they said cause white women love their body and their big cock...im not making all this cause i found it accidentally in some forum (14 years ago)

Did african man have big penis?Wow,Gods the Creator.... (14 years ago)

Hey...ask them by urself if u dare talk like that (14 years ago)

Hey...ask them by urself if u dare talk like that (14 years ago)

They will thnk im gay.. (14 years ago)

How bout the skinny one?Korean?Malayan? (14 years ago)

Wha? (14 years ago)

Don't know (14 years ago)

I knw the shortest..The muslim coz they circumcize(cut)..It true Qaf? (14 years ago)

No...of course not..it only cut the skin..make it bigger and enjoyable and also faster...thats true it will get bigger but enjoyable and faster i only heard it from my friend and marriage one (14 years ago)

Try it 4 urself (14 years ago)

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...I will not cut the skin,however it fast or somethng..Its weird,small and the head of penis is always outside...Its beter like my own..Not cut..It likd turtle head..Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (14 years ago)

Why are u guyz saying all dis are u gay. (14 years ago)

Why are u guyz saying all dis are u gay. (14 years ago)

bcoz girl dön't sow black and white But they see heart of men. (14 years ago)

Dnkynamo,we just kidding..But it true..It not gay talking about our sex organ look like,coz we learn in bio or sci... (14 years ago)

Yeah...we're just kidding but some of them is true and i not gay (14 years ago)

no comment (14 years ago)

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