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Love and sex. What's it about u?  (14 years ago)

Sex and fucking (14 years ago)

Riturani do u know meanining of fucking lets do it. (14 years ago)

it's some time whith your girlfrind in room (14 years ago)

Its not fucking. Just i want to know to defination love and sex and differance between them. (14 years ago)

Hi sex (14 years ago)

Sex means love. Coz your doing it coz u love each lover. Kind of expressing d feeling. Hi. Im never been kiss and touch...coz i really care d meaning of sex. (14 years ago)

Sex means love. Coz your doing it coz u love each lover. Kind of expressing d feeling. Hi. Im never been kiss and touch...coz i really care d meaning of sex. (14 years ago)

I couldn't understand sex means love. Is it right? I love my parents, brother, sister, my pet animals, my book, flower, nature etc. Is it sex? Never... Otherwise when I sex with a professional girl. Is it love? Pls rose; ans.  (14 years ago)

pls fuck (14 years ago)

pls fuck (14 years ago)

pls fuck (14 years ago)

Org bejat(cwok atw cwek)biasanya melakukan sex diluar nkah ats nama cnta,, pdhl cnta tu bkn sex. Sex tnp nkah tu binatang,, N lo yg sex sblm nkah=binatang. (14 years ago)

Pls in english. (14 years ago)

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