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Coz.1.I feel been treat diffrent.2.I feel no 1 love me deep in my heart.3.I feel im so difrent in society view.4.But im regret to (14 years ago)

I want to be the Hero (14 years ago)

Did u mean Kim Jae-Jöng?..I hate him. Why? Bcoz he like Hyun-Jong isnt it like gay?....Chang-Min and Yun-Ho sit in lap?WTF?..Aish~it just an video..Maybe they love each other..I dont ofend it but if they love sex each other it could make me wana to **** vomit.. (14 years ago)

I'm don't understand what you talking.I mean i want to be a hero like spiderman or marked rider  (14 years ago)

why u say u hate handsome?u hate too actor.now u r only 20.u will meet to ur lover who in ur heart. (14 years ago)

Oh,i love acteress not actor just fan of them..1.People said if be an handsome can make somethng difrent mean u cn make many lover wat that mean?If i have 10 gf is that 1 of them love me deep in heart?.2.Since im non religous,the church monk said "i better die than be you" wat that mean?.3.Im jealous to my friend even he has better face but he have real lover not like me...Mua :'( (14 years ago)

Don't sad buddy ...You will find you true love just wait and don't  (14 years ago)

I have my sis. . . Hehe,she beuty but she realy love her bf..Her bf are my bestfriend bro..Haha i hope he be my cousio (14 years ago)

And Yuya i thoug u said Hero..Hero is DBSK MEMBER..Hero or Kim JaeJong (14 years ago)

Dont worry so many girl outside here just wait like fishing be patient (sabar) half of iman  (14 years ago)

Wat sabar and iman? (14 years ago)

Sabar is wait and iman like kristian say paderi (14 years ago)

Huh?Paderi?What Christian say paderi?Never hear paderi in english (14 years ago)

Haiya! have you go to church kristian they call father (14 years ago)

Haiya! have you go to church kristian they call father (14 years ago)

u may watch urselve.u say ur sis beauty n i see u too handsome.many beauty girl r not ur gf but some kindful n beauty girl will be ur gf.don't sad n u must be happy man n ever smile.everyone like this face.  (14 years ago)

Yes! mixkiss i see your pic you are more handsome than me waaaaa (14 years ago)

iman is faith dude..its religious .. (14 years ago)

Hahahahaha,fait? I dont have faith in religion and thank u maybe next week i kill my self haha just kiddng..And did you mean Priest?Oh that priest..Or pope..Catholic church are many in Korea than Buddha,Islam and Shamanist temple.. (14 years ago)

Mixkiss i think that you friends of rain i hope you known the handsome artis in korea (14 years ago)

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