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 Who love Adolf Hitler?Share ur history with me..

I love The Fuhrer,Adolf Hitler..He was born to be Cruel,Politician,Geniuse,Gud Man,Very Hearted Person..Hail Adolf Hitler (14 years ago)

A great line by hitler:- "dont try to compare ur Self with any 1 if u do so ,so ur insulting ur self". (14 years ago)

hitler was a monster. (14 years ago)

Heatler was very intelgent but very cruel person.he born in germany.he was hated to pepole of izrail.he was killed 1 to 2 lakhs civilian in gas chamber.  (14 years ago)

Many persons try to kill him abut 260 times try pepole to kill him but he died by natural cause or may be he commited suside (14 years ago)

he was very integent persone, he had won the world but loss of his life. (14 years ago)

Hi dumped by his gf atleast 3 or 4 times but when he is in relation with any 1 he love her gf with full of dedication but his all gf play double cross with him of his gf came in his life to kill him but they always failed (14 years ago)

Hi dumped by his gf atleast 3 or 4 times but when he is in relation with any 1 he love her gf with full of dedication but his all gf play double cross with him of his gf came in his life to kill him but they always failed (14 years ago)

Hitlar has 4 jails, 1. Aushwits(poland), 2. Buchenwald, 3. Tereseansel, 4. Hunower(germany), where atlest 1to 11 gas chambers may be where he kill abt 3 to 4 thousand pepole in a day approx. (May be) now a days aushwits and hunwor ar converted into may be museum or grave place may be.(if info. Is wrong then im sory for that) (14 years ago)

MOMOWEB (14 years ago)

MOMOWEB (14 years ago)

Wat's that mean .  (14 years ago)

Hitler the best man i ever heard after Muhammad,.Hitler realy like God of Axe man(German). He the best but cruel. He die in natural couse. However he was the enemy of Jews but he such a patience. The best word "never be a P.O.W. It cn make shame to ur self." these word same to Japanese Emperor. I knw Hitler was bestfriend of Moslem,coz of that Hitler hate Jewish. Poor them. (14 years ago)

only 1 reason for me...why l like him...i like him cause..his mustache like my father!hahaha..  (14 years ago)

Hahahahahahaha,that moustache are best fashion..Hitler the best (14 years ago)

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